Ice peel

ICEPEEL: The skin gets new life with Chemical Peeling + Cryotherapy

Discover our exclusive treatment, ICEPEEL, where we combine two powerful technologies: chemical peeling with mandelic acid and cryotherapy. This unique combination gives your skin an immediate rejuvenating effect, counteracts and prevents aging.

Advantages of ICEPEEL:

  • Skin rejuvenation: The chemical peel with mandelic acid works deeply to renew skin cells and promote a youthful skin texture.
  • Cryotherapy effect: The cold from the cryotherapy strengthens the vascular structure and promotes blood circulation, which gives a refreshing and revitalizing effect.
  • Results-oriented Treatment: ICEPEEL provides quick and pleasant results, perfect for those who want to see change in a short time.
  • Customizable Treatment: Can be performed as a course for long-term and deep-acting effect or as a single treatment for quick refreshment.
  • Anti-Aging: Effectively counteract and prevent skin aging for a long-lasting youthful glow.

Price - 1295:-

Frequently asked questions and answers about Icepeel

Is the SWiCH treatment painful?

  • Yes, Icepeel is painless. The mandelic acid can be felt a little but barely noticeable.

How often should I do Icepeel?

You can do Icepeel as a cure, but it can also be done occasionally for extra refreshment and a "kick" to the skin.

Can everyone do Icepeel?

Almost everyone can do icepeel as it is a mandelic acid which is also suitable for sensitive skin.

Is there anything I need to think about if I'm going to do an Icepeel?

On the same day, it is best not to use make-up after the treatment. Would also recommend stopping retinol a week before.

Hur går behandligen till?

Behandlingen inleder med rengöring av huden. Efter det så appliceras syran på huden och masseras sedan in. Syran är en leave on produkt och ovanpå den så appliceras en mask som ska sitta på ca 10 minuter. Behandlingen avslutas med ampull anpassad efter din hud och avslutande kräm.